The next installment in the Mortal Kombat franchise is on it's way. Preorders are in full swing for both regular versions Mortal Kombat - 360 (Preorder) and Mortal Kombat - PS3 (Preorder). The best part about preordering the regular version from us is the price. Searching the web you will find most Canadian big box retailers are offering preorders at $69.99 and we're saving you $10 by offering preorders at only $59.99.

Now we open preorders for both Kollector versions!! Mortal Kombat Kollector's Edition - 360 (Preorder) Limit 1 Per Customer and Mortal Kombat Kollector's Edition - PS3 (Preorder) Limit 1 per Customer.

Kollector's Edition Include

Kollectible figurines of Scorpion and Sub-Zero that double up as video game bookends' for your favorite Mortal Kombat games.
Hand sculpted with high level of detail
Decorated using an artful combination of spray mask, tampo print, free spray and hand washes.
The Art of Mortal Kombat
A 110+ page book featuring original concept sketches and game art from the 2011 version of Mortal Kombat.
Retro-Ninja costume
Exclusive alternate in-game costume inspired by the original character designs.
Mortal Kombat inspired costumes to decorate your avatar on PSN.

Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition Information Will be available soon aswell.