New Year = New Wallet...
"You cannot soar with the eagles as long as you hang out with the turkeys" ~ Joel Osteen said that.
A new weather record: A record annual precipitation of 65.34 inches was set at LaGuardia Airport in the year 2011. This breaks the old record of 60.84 inches set
in 1983.
Fact is, I'm really quite happy with my 2012 New Year's resolutions.
Let's all just agree to call it Twenty Twelve! OK? OK!
I'm extreeeemely grateful to have had this bonus day off for After New Year's Monday...
Laundry. Recycling. Tea on the UWS with a friend... Later, coffee at Cafe' Safee.
"In order to respond, one should become like a mirror. A mirror just reflects... never touched or tainted by the images" ~ Amma said that.
January is Get Organized Month (GO Month) sez Unclutterer
Just took down my un-elaborate Christmas decoration off my apt door... An old fashioned Xmas postcard... Christmas is *over* for another year. Bah Humbug!
Cool today. ... Much colder tomorrow! Bring it on!
At Burrito Box today, I was the very first customer to tip in the New Year! I anticipated confetti and bells/whistles. Or at least extra chips? Nada!
Great starting the New Year w/ Lisa & Elliot for dinner last night at Pure Food & Wine in Gramercy Park! FABULOUS New Years Day meal last nite! Great food, ambiance, raw fine dining... Who knew vegan raw could be so good? Nut cheeses, chicory salad w/ cherry, zucchini lasagna! ... I'll be back!
Flaming Saddles Saloon, 9th/52nd St, raised the price of a soda from $3 to $4 in time for 2012. Hope they catch on. Cute bartenders two step atop the bar. Mixed gay/straight crowd. Clean well run establishment! Doorman, carpet nonsense is off-putting. Don't let it scare ya off!
"Live each day as if it were your LAST, and you'll develop a keen respect for opportunity" ~ Napoleon Hill wrote that.
Cold Weather means more seafood mee fun noodle soups at Mee Noodle...
Owner's of former St Clare's hospital ARE legally responsible for the detritus on the sidewalks around the property?... Yes? ... Get busy!
"Allow the deepening flow to find you - to carry and enfold and entice you onward". ~ Nalini wrote that.
Every Monday should be a holiday! Seriously!
Dropped by for hot coffee and to say hello & Happy New Year to Yianni & Vivienne @ City Lights Diner... My ol' breakfast haunt at 52/10th.
"Keep old friends near and old loves dear. For they will help you make those changes in your life that will produce miracles". - Neale Donald Walsch
"NYC is eerily quiet today. I like eerily". - Black Out Pete said that on Twitter.
And last but not least... about relationships: "Sticking your 'thing' into someone else's 'thing' is a simple enough concept. Animals do it all the time but humans seems to complicate it. - KlassyFucker said that on Twitter.
Enjoy your workweek ahead, Peops!