Speaking of my Baltimore roots, Your blogger is greatly anticipating having his relative or childhood friend, schoolmate, or neighbor from Baltimore County spend a tiny portion of their new Mega Million winnings to buy him a nice lunch... And maybe a new apartment?
Goodbye Keith Olbermann... Actually I gave up on you after your first tantrum at Current TV. Too many "issues".
John Waters on Neurosis: "Routine is not the enemy of creativity. I'm very organized. I go out to get the paper within 20 seconds of the same time each day; my hangovers are scheduled a year in advance. I don't have time to be nuts. If I was retired, I might be completely out of my mind, because I'd have time to give in to neurotic thinking. Now I just have to work it into a schedule. That neurotic behavior has to produce". from the WSJ.
Celebrities spotted (and chatted up) in Manhattan this week: Danny Aiello, Richard Kind, Chip Zien
Manhattan pizza slices down to 75-cents per slice as part of a pizza war reports today's New York Times.
Note to Self: Look out for artist John Currin. John Waters sez he's interesting.
Rest in peace, Anthony Razzano. You'll be missed by so many (including for your Activist efforts on behalf of your neighbors and doormen)... The laughs... Your big eyes... Your great spirit, Tony. Tragic loss.
39 degrees as I write this... Seasonably cool, for a change...
Less than a full work week to Spring Break. Am so ready!
Am once again on a modified self-styled vegetarian version of Phase One of the South Beach Diet... I want to drop 10-15 lbs of winter weight...
And now... I gotta go clean this apartment... Cleaning burns calories, you see...