Of course... That's not possible.
But I do plan to spend a goodly bit of time in here til I need to return to work next Tuesday...
Scented candles ablaze! (In safety glass containers, of course!)
And Nancy LaMott's Just in Time for Christmas in the background...
Plenty of sweet treats stockpiled in here... Holiday gifts, mostly...
To tell you the truth... A single slice of Tate's coffee cake (and it is extraordinary!) would be just as fulfilling a gift for me as a whole giant coffee cake... So, I concentrate on the pecans and the anti-inflammatory qualities of the cinnamon spices and pretend it's a health food...

Then, there's the giant tub of Fisher's Popcorn... Ocean City's Finest caramel corn! Gotta make a sincere effort go slow on that! This is Medium... sez my bro... But it's a brown sugar and corn syrup monster to me! Fiber? Sure.
Peace Love Truffles are delightful handcrafted treats... Peanut butter is best in my book... Basil was most interesting... Orange clove was very good, though it doesn't need the orange clove sugar added... and I'm all for the Moroccan Mint sans the mint sugar... Chocolate has Oleic Acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat that's also found in olive oil.
Although a whole tin each of my father's Oatmeal Raisin and Toll House cookies are never enough...
Lapsang Souchong with all.