Munson Diner's Life After Hell's Kitchen

I've blogged over the years about the Munson Diner....

It used to be parked in Hell's Kitchen at 11th Avenue and 49th Street.

Somebody bought it and dragged it to the Catskills. Where it has failed in several reincarnations....

The latest news, according to the New York Times:

Still, the Munson’s allure endures. He’s out his life savings. The 15 original investors have spent more than $400,000. But Mr. Moore would love to figure out how to try again, and the businessmen are committed to making something work. One option is to find the right operator in Liberty, which, alas, has not turned into the new Hamptons. Another is to move the Munson yet again. One potential buyer, it turns out, has expressed preliminary interest in moving it back to New York City, this time to Park Slope, in Brooklyn, where, if all goes well, women in evening dress could swap jokes with men in overalls — presumably husbands or significant others — once again... It’s early, but stay tuned.

Photo by Gothamist