Here's What I Think...

I THINK, therefore, I am....

I THINK Bill Clinton should be allowed to be President again... Remember when he left us with a balanced budget? (Saw Chris Matthews' special this week on the Billster!)

I THINK the attack on teachers across this country is reprehensible...!

I THINK the timing of Obama's DOMA Executive Order was a trap to get the Righties all squawkie about this issue while the government was on the precipice of budgetary shutdown... To make the Repubs look small and shrill... Looks like the Repubs haven't taken the bait... Not yet... (Except for the frothy mix guy, but he's on the sidelines). But... the Repubs know that when this makes it to the Supremes the deck is stacked in their favor...

I THINK the attack on unions is a right wing attempt to destroy the Democratic party (see Rachel Maddow's excellent coverage of that thesis!)

I THINK Charlie Sheen should go start a Charm School.

I THINK an Arab neighbor needs to conquer Libya and then liberate them...

I THINK Michelle Obama will some day be the nation's first female Vice President...

I THINK it's tragic the way the powers that be are ignoring climate change...

I THINK it's somewhat shocking that the USA is still so dependent on oil...

I THINK that's enough of my completely unsolicited, uninformed wild guess appraisal of the issues of the week!...

(Image from Zazzle)