If you can manage to get hold of a recent issue (well, I say ‘recent’ - it probably came out a couple of months ago) of Art of England magazine you might be able to find an article that features one of my paintings, Kitchen blue. The article starts on page 66 of issue 63 (the one with the new Damien Hurst painting, Skull with Astray and Lemon, on the cover) and celebrates 20 years of Candid Arts – the Islington arts centre set up and run by Duncan Barlow, to promote the work of recent art and design graduates. However, Candid Arts is much more than just that. As well as being an artists’ studio complex it has its own gallery spaces (set over 2 floors) a projection room, a courtyard garden and probably the best chill-out café in London.
Anyway – back to me (‘Yay’ I hear you cry). As well as having one of my pieces featured in the article I get a mention as one of Candid’s exhibiting artists, along with a short biog.
And if you can’t find the article it’s still well worth visiting Candid Arts, if not only for its bohemian style café. Here’s the address – Candid Arts, 3 Torrens Street, Islington, London EC1V 1NQ. Tel. +44 (0) 207 8374 237. www.candidarts.com.