Tomorrow 'Night at the Museum'

St. George V&A Cut-out, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

For a bit of fun why not pop along to the Victoria & Albert Museum’s 'Friday Late View' (nearest tube, South Kensington, London) tomorrow evening from 6:30 pm to 10 pm. This month’s event is based upon the theme of Photography. There are loads of free events, including a series of carnival cut-outs by fellow artist, Phil Sofer, and my good self. They are in the style of the old fashioned seaside cut-outs but based upon objects from the V&A’s collection. Here's one of me as a stained glass version of St. George sticking it to some poor lizard. So if you would like to join us, bring along your camera and you too could be one of the three graces, St. George, a statue of Queen Vic or have yourself devoured by Tipoo’s Tiger.
Among the evening’s interactive events, films, talks and displays there will be - From Daguerreotypes to Digital: A V&A Photography Trail, Road Dreams by Elliott Bristow, Photo Swap Shop, Green, Green Glass of Home by Liz Rideal, Opulent Dreaming by Neeta Madahar, Film Canister Jewellery, Carnival Cut Outs, Jem Southam and Sarah Pickering in Conversation with Martin Barnes, Elliott Bristow on Road Dreams and Photography and the Designed World.
For more information please check out -
I hope to see you there.

Vamalgam 4

Untitled Component Drawing, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

Because a lot of my sculptural work comes under the umbrella of assemblage I tend to collect large quantities of found objects and materials - always being drawn the things and forms that have a certain resonance, but not always knowing what I will eventually do with them.
In this drawing I have taken a few of these items and, without trying to concern myself too much over matters of how the individual forms relate to each other, I've attempted to morph them all together. This proved to be more easily said than done, as a life time of drawing, awareness of perspective and of trying to accurately create the illusion of 3D forms in a 2D plain can hard wire the brain to following certain rules. None the less I'm quite happy with how it turned out - there are some interesting connections going on. A friend recently said that there was a lot of sexual imagery in the piece. I'm not sure if that says something about him or me.
Anyway - this work has just gone on display in Vamalgam 4, the Victoria and Albert Museum's new staff show. This year's exhibition is the biggest of the four shows, with some of the best work yet. The work ranges from painting, to photography, to drawing, to mixed media and showcases the diverse creative abilities of the people who make up the V and A Museum.

Arty Business

I'd like to thank Julie Dagonet and the rest of the fantastic Crossroads Art Exhibition team at the London Business School for inviting me to be guest artist in their upcoming show. Above is a photo showing the setting up of the exhibition. It was refreshing to be involved in an installation where everything went smoothly – no tears and tantrums with this group. As far as I can remember this is the first time that I’ve had my work exhibited in a big office environment, and it works surprisingly well. There is a strangely surreal play between the everyday nature of the room and the work (looking like it has found itself somewhere that it shouldn’t be) – I love it.
The rest of the works on display are by members of the school community. Namely - Rikkya Oker, Dennis Valdez, Carl Clough, Kevin Talbot, Marie-Helene Dagonet, Shalini Chanda, Ninad Shinde, Denise Donoghue, Kyueun Han, Remi Savoya, Nina Kelemen, Caroline Bray, Juan Diego Sorbet Esnoz, Lok Ming Fung, Ming Gao, Yvonne, Svetlana Aslezova, Thibaud Simphal, and Erik Wilterding.
And considering that many of these people might not claim art to be their primary passion, there is some very accomplished work on show.
So Tuesday evening’s opening night looks to be quite exciting. Not only do we have Dean Andrew Likierman’s inauguration at 5:30 pm and the opening of the show in the Fairbairn Room at 5:45, there’ll be a concert in the Upper Quad at 6:16 pm, performed by students from the Royal Academy of Music. The performers are Midori Komachi on Violin, Helene Koerver on Viola and Alena Lugovkina on Flute. And the following day, May 27, we have LauYee Yeung on the Harp.

Edition / Power in Numbers (Opening Night)

Edition_Power in Numbers, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

Thank you to everyone who came along to Thursday's opening night of 'Edition / Power in Numbers' in Brick Lane, London. The turn out was unbelievable and the place was rammed, so sorry if I missed you in the crowd. Even the slight hitch of a temporary evacuation because of a suspected gas leak (in true British fashion everyone took the opportunity to nip outside for a cigarette) didn't seem to spoil everyone's fun.
With it being 'First Thursday' (when most of the East End galleries and museums stay open late) the rest of the FAD gang and I decided to check out the other shows in Redchurch Street and the immediate area. Needless to say - a few free drinks later, we all decided that the night was a great success.
For those of you who managed to make it there, I hope that you found something that took your fancy. I bought one of Mark McLure's fantastic prints with a built-in clock mechanism. And for those of you who couln't make it - the show is on till 27th May so there's plenty of time to nip down and get a bargain.

This Thursday - Meet The Artists

edition / power in numbers, originally uploaded by Random Boy.

Here's just a quick update/reminder about the opening of this week's 'Edition / Power in Numbers' art print show and sale. I'm very excited about it and am looking forward to meeting up with the other artists and getting my hands on some very fine (and ridiculously cheap) prints. Hope to see you there ;o)

Thursday 7th of May from 7pm at Bodhi Art Gallery on Brick Lane, London (opposite the bagel shops). 48 artists each with an edition of 50 hand pulled and numbered screen-prints (including a few surprises). The soundtrack will be provided by the sound doctor Rob-Tronica. All of the prints are being sold for £20 - we can only accept cash so bring a few notes with you! The show runs until the 27th of May 2009 - there are lots of events along the way - go to or to keep up to date with what is happening.

Artists in the show:
Alain Magallon / Alice Stallard / Camelia Dobrin / Brett One Side Zero / Charlotte Smith / Chris Floyd / Claudia Boldt / Dan Speight / David Gibbons / Emma Vorster / Emmi / Haruka Shinji / Heejohng Chae / Ivan Mayorquin / Jake Blanchard / Jez Burrows / Jim Smith / Josephine Spencer / Luke James / Marc Stewart / Mark McClure / Maxwell Harrison / NaĆ­ma Almeida / Niko / Patrick Savile / Peter James Field / Peter Stitson / Raymond Wong / Rose Stallard / Royal Glamsters / Sara Nesteruk / Sichi / Splendidhand / Stephen Chan / Steve Price / Steven Emmanuel / Stuart Chatman / Tom Baxter / Trisha McNally / Wayne Chisnall / Yann Brien / Austin from New / Random Boy / Ministry of Love / Baldrick Buckle

Images of printing:

Video of printing: