Edition / Power in Numbers (Opening Night)

Edition_Power in Numbers, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

Thank you to everyone who came along to Thursday's opening night of 'Edition / Power in Numbers' in Brick Lane, London. The turn out was unbelievable and the place was rammed, so sorry if I missed you in the crowd. Even the slight hitch of a temporary evacuation because of a suspected gas leak (in true British fashion everyone took the opportunity to nip outside for a cigarette) didn't seem to spoil everyone's fun.
With it being 'First Thursday' (when most of the East End galleries and museums stay open late) the rest of the FAD gang and I decided to check out the other shows in Redchurch Street and the immediate area. Needless to say - a few free drinks later, we all decided that the night was a great success.
For those of you who managed to make it there, I hope that you found something that took your fancy. I bought one of Mark McLure's fantastic prints with a built-in clock mechanism. And for those of you who couln't make it - the show is on till 27th May so there's plenty of time to nip down and get a bargain.