Affluenza Exhibition

Magnet, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

I've just found out that I've been selected to be part of next month's Affluenza Exhibition which is taking place in a 20,000 sq. ft. warehouse space in St. John St., Clerkenwell, London. Affluenza is organized in collaboration with the Samaritans.

For the show I will be exhibiting 'Magnet' (see image above), one of four pieces from my Tower Series. Below is some info on the show that I took from the Affluenza website,

The Affluenza Exhibition is a multi-disciplinary visual arts exhibition and series of talks and events taking place in Clerkenwell, London from the 19th – 28th March 2009.

The Term affluenza refers to ‘the disease of affluence’ as detailed in Oliver James’ book on the subject. He describes it as a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more. By placing a high value on money, possessions, physical and social appearances, and fame, we fail to distinguish between what we need and what we want.

The project as a whole aims to inspire debate and awareness about the destructive impact of consumer values on the emotional wellbeing of society and hopes to suggest some constructive alternatives for the future via series of talks and events.

The exhibition aims to promote talented emerging artists by showing their work alongside the work of more established artists, thus creating an inclusive environment of creative exchange. In addition, we are encouraging artists who have a socially engaging artistic approach.

The work will be judged by a panel of high profile art industry professionals. The panel members are Jonathan Barnbrook (Barnbrook Design), Silvia Sgualdini (Lisson Gallery), Michael Czerwinski (Design Museum) and Hege Saebjornsen (Project Manager).