Any Old Iron... Any Old Iron

Mobile Citadel Sketch, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

I'm on the scrounge again. This time I'm looking for any old sheets of metal to make my new sculpture with. The more battered and corroded the better, but preferably not too thick - maybe 1-2 mm. Above you can see a quick sketch that I did which should give a rough idea of how the final piece might look.
The piece is for a new, 'A Gothic Story 2' (a follow up to the 'A Gothic Story' exhibition that I had work in last year), which will be held at Coal House Fort, a historic fortification on the Thames Estuary in East Tilbury, Essex, England. The exhibition will last for 3 months somewhere between May and September. It looks like it will also coincide with a Shakespeare company production of 'As you Like It', due to take place somewhere within the grounds.
I checked out Coal House Fort on the internet and found out that it is often used for film sets. In fact, the Chinese prison scenes in 'Batman Begins' were filmed there. Being a batman fan myself - this has got to be a good omen.