Tattoo Q2: October 2008

Farewell Paul Flack

Although I set up this blog to talk about my artwork and artistic endeavours (it’s all me, me, me), I feel that I have to mention another artist, Paul Flack, who’s incredible energy and enthusiasm will be sorely missed by so many.
Unfortunately, Paul died unexpectedly in his sleep, not long after enjoying a night out with friends. Paul was only 47 and his death comes 25 years after that of his father, Dennis, who also died suddenly at home, aged 48. Speaking to the Guardian and referring to Paul’s father, Sylvia Webster (Paul’s godmother) said “Paul had said that when it was his time to go he would like it to be the same”.
I had only known Paul for a few years but he definitely left an impression. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who knew as many people as he did. This was born out by the fact that at his funeral at Epping Methodist Church on Tuesday the building was too small to accommodate the crowd that gathered to pay their last respects.
Paul seemed to be involved with everything – Stone carving, environmental issues, The Friend’s of Swaines Green, the Cooper Hall Trust, the 491 Community Arts Centre, art projects in the Seychelles and parts of Europe. He even created a garden at the 2007 Chelsea Flower Show. But Paul was not just an amazing networker purely to benefit himself – he genuinely loved people and believed in building communities. It’s a shame there aren’t a few more Paul Flacks about.

ING Bank Artists

This is Sylvia and Simon, a couple of my students from the sculpture workshop that I was involved in at ING Bank's head office in London Wall. And this is them at their opening show. The show actually took place a couple of weeks ago but I've been quite busy working on a couple of sculptures (they kind of look a little like wooden Victorian cyclops robots, but I'll post some images and info nearer the time) for the new Pharos Gallery show on the 11th December, off Broadway Market, East London - so, as you can probably see, I haven't been keeping my blog that up to date the past few weeks.
Everyone on the course did really well and achieved some amazing results in a very short space of time. I think everyone in my group should be proud of the work they produced, especially considering most of them came to course with little or no artistic training.