Title Free Tuesday

"I won't look for love today. I will just give it. It will bless me tenfold." - Marianne Williamsonn

Totally not happy that every day, lately, just as it's time for my afternoon meditation (read: Nap) some workers in a building out back decide it's time to start noisily stacking their construction debris...

Too much Spam... Yahoo is getting it the worst. Their Spam filters do a pretty good job... But still...

Perhaps I should just skip the nap and go right to the fresh brewed spiritual beverage (read: Coffee)...

Today was more seasonable after several days of record breaking heat...

Shit Twinks Say (on ShitTwinksSay on Twitter): "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the fact that I'm more attractive than you are."

Rest in Peace: cabaret singer Teri Lynn Paul after a long illness. We were once colleagues in the cabaret days... She was a good cook, too.

Soup of the day at the local Hell's Kitchen Irish Pub? Guinness!

Since there was a nice chill in the air... I'm craving Indian food... I guess I'll hit Basera later...