"Forever is composed of nows". - Emily Dickinson

Oh My God, It's Friday... Another vacation week flew by (complete contrast to the other ones that draaaag til Friday)

My local Starbucks is clean, nice and efficient... But somebody has to teach these Baristas how to be warm and friendly... Do they have a training manual for that? They need one, apparently.

To the toe tapping, head shaking, sighing man sitting nearby "Which part of the term 'Waiting Room' do you not understand?"

To the nurse who wouldn't let me change the Date of Birth in my folder to ten year's younger: "Yer a bitch!"

Had a nice coffee meet catch up at NewsBar on University with Pablo... Shared a slice of a decent chocolate pound cake.

Salmon Teriyaki Box at the Japanese down the street... "East Japanese". Good food. Good prices. Dumb name.

On the DVR: NYInk, Joan and Melissa, Work of Art, Oddities, Lawrence Welk Show, and The Wizard of Oz in HD

Yesterday was another full day in staycation paradise. W/ Mr. Nick to Eataly & Chock Full O Nuts. Later at Paramount Hotel for a spell to meet friends nearby.

A quotation for lent: "Be sure to sin as much you can. Otherwise, Jesus died for nothing". - JoeMyGod said that on Twitter

It's been damned sixty degrees. This is late February in NYC, people.

Starbucks tells me they are sending me a Gold Card because I drank 30 cups of coffee since New Years. Actually, 60 cuz refills are free. Venti, as in huge. I already feel like a big shot and I don't have the card yet.

I cleaned off my desk. I cleaned off my desk. I CLEANED OFF MY DESK!

Took a morning off to hang out in Central Park. And w/o a coat. Had already hit Cindy Sherman, Mark Podwal exhibit at Forum Gallery, & Plaza Hotel for a spell.

My favorite quote of the week: "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf" ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn