Happy 'Worst Travel Day of The Year' 2011

AAA tells us that 42.5 Million people will be driving, flying or taking a train or bus to their their Thanksgiving destinations this year...

I'm thankful that I'll be walking around the corner for my Thanksgiving Dinner with friends!

Retailers are worried that Holiday sales will be in the dumper due to Congressional inability to come to terms on the budget. I'm grateful I'm not a retailer. I'm also grateful that I'm not in Congress.

Today is a Gridlock Alert Day in New York City... Actually the "Worst Traffic Day of the Year"

I'm grateful that I do not own a car...

Waaaay too many people are unemployed this Thanksgiving weekend... I'm grateful to have a job...

Some retailers are planning to open on Thanksgiving Night... Some workers aren't happy about this.

I'm also grateful to have the next couple of days off...

Add to that gratitude list the continuing good health of loved ones (and myself) and I'm one big grateful turkey today...

Hope you have a healthy dose of gratitude this holiday weekend in your life too!...