The Gossip Litmus Test

In the Huffington Post... Dennis Merritt Jones writes "How Aware Are You of the Words That Come Out of Your Mouth"?

Before you gossip... ask yourself the following...

1. Is it true? Do I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I am repeating is accurate and true, or is it based on hearsay and assumptions that I or others have made without gathering all the facts from an impartial and reliable source?

2. What will I gain from repeating these words to others? Will what I am going to say be life affirming, productive and helpful to all involved? Will the world be a better place because I uttered these words? If not, why would I want to repeat them?

3. Is what I am going to say about another person something I would have the clarity, courage and commitment to say to their face, and if so, why don't I do so?

4. Will what I am going to say be using the power of my word in the direction of truth and love?