Sunday Check In

As usual, the September start to the work year is kicking my butt. Some new twists added this year to make life extra interesting. Overwhelmed, much? You betcha!...

Day at a time! I can never say that enough...

Off to see Follies for a second time today with a couple of friends. Loved it the first time. Can't beat that score. And this production is sublime...

My back hurts. It's the shoes stupid. 60 block strolls in docksiders is not the way to go...

Some issues with my desktop 'puter lately. Constant hangs and freezes. Still trying to narrow it down to which app, add-on, widget or program is the culprit. This morning, I'm thinking it might be my beloved old Logitech mouse. I keep needing to re-plug it to keep re-installing drivers...

Blogging on the Sidekick from Starbucks now. The Android Blogger app is a good thing...

It's still kinda dark outside at 6.30am. Great autumnal chill, though. It helps. It definitely helps!...