Starting My Media Fast Today

Decided to follow the advice of author Timothy Ferriss in his The 4 Hour Work Week and to institute a self-imposed Media Fast starting today...

Remembering the first law of consciousness: whatever you focus upon expands...

I'm choosing to not to be manipulated my the media and to become immersed in all the bad news in the world... By its nature, the media accentuates the negative.

So I'll just turn the whole thing off... One week... (Maybe more).

Marianne Williamson, one of my favorite authors and spiritualists has always maintained that starting ones day by listening to the news was not the most positive and uplifting way to start a new day... She instead recommended something more spiritual like meditation...

Even the Serenity Prayer seems to be saying Turn off the damned TV: "God: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference".

I find that television news, in particular, usually just makes me angry...

I love The New York Times, but I want to eek out the the most from these last remaining weeks of summer vacation and starting each day with a lost hour of reading about all the things in the world that I have absolutely no control over is perhaps not the best use of my remaining vacation time...

But, at lunch time every day,  I will allow ten minutes to catch up on the news around the world... Ten minutes only... (Ferriss recommends only five minutes!)

What will I do with the newfound time and head space??

We'll see...

"It is not length of life, but depth of life".
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson