Back from a great coupla days on Fire Island. Weather was perfect! Photos forthcoming...
Congrats to Derek Jeter on 3000th hit! a few minutes ago!
My new vegan-ish diet coming along nicely...
Been a few weeks without any meat... Have almost phased out seafood completely...
Next target is dairy... I think I've gained weight because I'd unconsciously stepped up the dairy lately... Am trying non-dairy alternatives starting yesterday with tofu sour cream and soy cheese on my Black Bean Burrito... from Burrito Box...
If Bill Clinton can go vegan, so can I!
I wonder if Dean and Deluca will have a non-dairy creamer option when I drop by for an iced coffee later? Won't hurt to ask...
Betty Ford: "There is joy in recovery," she wrote, "and in helping others discover that joy."
Amazing lady. Amazing life...
Rest in peace, Elizabeth Ann Bloomer Warren Ford, April 8, 1918 – July 8, 2011.