MoMA's P.S. 1 Summer 2011 is Not for Everyone

Scooted over to MoMA's PS 1 today to see what they have going for the summer...

The most striking addition? The cheery young red shirt young people were scattered throughout and were happy to discuss art with the patrons. This seems like a promising new program....

However... I was completely disappointed and unfulfilled by the curation choices which were heavy on multi-media and conceptual showings.

I think it's nice that they attempt to showcase young new artists... I do.

But I prefer a wider range of artistic voices and more choices for the viewer to admire...

This stuff all seemed pretentious and obtuse to me...

In other words, showcase MORE young artists, all at once, instead of these artsy installations that take up entire rooms or floors with tv screens or a single minute piece of art...

Nothing really spoke to me with the exception except of one show by Nancy Grossman:

"Nancy Grossman: Heads"... On view until August 15, 2011.

"Nancy Grossman has been making art for more than fifty years and is best known for her leather-wrapped sculptures of heads, which the artist made from the late 1960s through to the 1980s. This exhibition brings together fourteen sculptures, highlighting the formal and expressive range within the series.

While Grossman regularly refers to the heads as self-portraits, they are not made to resemble the artist herself."

Unfortunately, that single exhibition is not worth the trip or the price of admission alone...

Even the new too low, rock like seating in the cafe has been made uncomfortable and ineffective...

This entire MoMA annex desperately needs a new vision and leadership in order to thrive and to engage the museum visitor...

Right now, it's all just a mess...