This past month seems to have gone by as quickly as a typical Monday through Friday slogs along in a regular work week... Can someone please explain this time dimension continuum thingie to me and how to beat it?? This MUST be fixed!
Meanwhile, there's a tall guy with a goatee standing out on a paved walkway at the Hudson River Park this morning soaking up his his Vitamin D from the brilliant sunshine. Suddenly, a mockingbird dive-bombs his head. Ouch!... Yes that was me, you damned bird!

Had made a little picnic breakfast at Lenny's on Ninth Avenue to bring along...

Damn, that's a lot of activity in Hell's Kitchen area parks for one tall guy with a goatee blogger for one day...
BTW, that damned mockingbird came back and made a second pass before I left that Hudson River Park just before lunch...
Obviously, it was a personal vendetta... because here I thought I was well away from any shrubbery where there might have been a nest...
So, watch out, there, little Mockingbird bird beast...
I'll be back...!
... With a hat next time...
I'm no Tippi Hedren...
Goddamned bird!