Making My Day...

The following in my inbox this morning from a longtime beloved blog reader:

"i am always amazed at your blog. where do you find the stuff. all is so interesting and a lot are things and people and places i never heard of. such a wide range of discovery for me and i love it".

That already made my day...

The remainder will be just gravy...

The rest of the day...? An Open House for a colleague who is soon going to retire. Will be fun to see the whole 'ol gang... It's a pot luck. Me no cook... Anyone have any suggestions of what I should grab at the Amish Market or the Food Emporium??

Then, tonight... Was invited to a Tony Award party... I rarely go to these things as they get me too keyed up to sleep on a work night...

McD's has a new McFlurry this month: The Rolo... Just had one. As a fan of caramel... I'm all for it...

It helped make my Sunday (Sundae?), too...

Hope you make yourself a gooooood Sunday whatever you choose to do (or not to do)...