Memorial Day Weekend 2011 Stuff

Had some dental work done on Friday to start the weekend with a smile...

Also caught the current exhibitions at American Folk Art Museum... (American Folk Art Museum 45 West 53rd St. at 6th Ave.) They are going to lose that location soon. MoMA bought the building... Current shows include Quilts, and More Quilts, and still another quilt. Robin of Ma et Ra would love this. Me? Not so much.

But I did enjoy the Eugene Von Bruenchenhein show and the Perspectives: Forming the Figure show had it's puppet like creations (pictured by Anton Brookes)...

Caught Lady Gaga's Central Park GMA concert on the DVR. Somebody should get fired for the lousy direction of that... Especially for blowing Lady G's entrance...! I guess ABC is fully staffed with Summer Interns?... Including the Director? LOL...

Had a Junior's "Little Fella" chocolate cheesecake on the walk home... ($4.25)

Todd Robbins will be playing the piano next Monday through Friday at the Piano in Bryant Park... I caught him last year...

Wishing you a memorable Memorial Day weekend... And say "Thank you, Troops"!