It's all so damned confusing...
Dr Oz... who touts fish at every turn has a guest on recently that points out that while fish do have the good Omega 3 fatty acids... That they also have many fats that are bad for you... Lovely... His only answer? Give up fish, dairy, and eggs and go totally vegetarian...
Might be the only way I can ever tackle my high cholesterol numbers without the statins that I refuse to take...
So do you take fish oil capsules because they have been heralded in recent years?... So the New York Times the other day points out that Omega 3 overload can cause more 2 times the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer... “I can’t really explain it,” said Theodore M. Brasky, lead author of the paper, adding: “If anyone is wondering whether to change their diet, the answer is no. You have to weigh the risks, and a man’s risk of dying of heart disease is much greater than his risk for high-grade prostate cancer, which is very rare.” As quoted by The New York Times.
Today they say Low Salt Diet is Ineffective!
Chemo-therapy is so often recommended for cancer patients but chemo brain may last for five years or more...
Even the heralded Tuna is risky with all the Mercury sez the Times.
Now sugar is good for you. Especially if you exercise...
Also exercise doesn't necessarily boos your mood. Exercise can make you a nervous wreck...
Half a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper might be the best appetite suppressant and diet food there is...
Thinking of cosmetic surgery... After liposuction, fat just re-locates anyway.
Meditation is still good. So, I'm gonna go meditate on all of this...