Spent entire day yesterday indoors doing stuff. Just as well the weather was horrendous... I don't even know how many thunderstorms trolled through... At least they weren't the tornadoes that some other areas got...
(Image of an artwork by Jose' Parla')
Got a lot done... But there's always more...
I killed a snake plant. Actually two... Frankly, I swear the repair people got waterproofing in the pot when they started working on the floor above me without the promised warning... And they were both out on a ledge... R.I.P.... And thanks for the restored window ledge space..
Need to get my T-Mobile Account squared away. They have a new Unlimited offer. Wanna see if it's better than my current plan... And I want to see what kind of deal I'll qualify for on the Sidekick 4G if it's indeed released this week as rumored... The fact that it has a five row keyboard is a show stopper for me...
Motorola Cliq always had a great feel but missed that fifth row. And Motorola never upgraded it to Android 2.0 as they promised multiple times. I feel suckered. And Motorola is now officially dead in my book. If I ever see a Motorola product for sale, it's not gonna be for me. I hold grudges like that...
I still haven't forgiven Human Rights Campaign for backing Alphonse D'Amato over Chuck Schumer in a New York Senate race.. And when was that? Like a decade ago? At this rate, Christine "Term Limits" Quinn will have a long wait...
In the market for new eye wear... That's on the chore list this week too...
I gotta patch a teeny tear in my leather couch... OMG... Who knew that the leather was sooooo thin of that thing!! "Stressed leather" means weakened. They should just call it "Easily Torn Leather!"!
Trying to decide about some new prospective projects... And what direction I want to go... As Lady Donothing would say: "What-do-you-want". Actually that was Don the Hypno-Therapist who used to say that... What/Do/You/Want... With distinct pauses in between. Always a good question to stop and ask yourself from time to time...