Rachelle Rak: Catch Her... If You Can

This is my Hell's Kitchen neighbor and friend Rachelle Rak... Now starring on Broadway in Catch Me if You Can

Read this Broadway World interview: Sas is Back!

"I felt like I accomplished more during this few year stretch of my career than my previous 10 years on Broadway combined because it was the first time I had participated in my career for the sake of the process, not the big payoff. Knowing that I have been a part of Broadway is forever, no matter where I am performing. My ears are now open to other worlds, where no one could tell me good or bad - where it doesn't matter. Show business for over a decade decided if I was good enough. They decided if I would be selected, if I was the right look, type, build, if I had the right voice to sing high enough, or kick to my face. And for the first time in 20 years of a career, these past few years I have decided. And it's invigorating, taking back some little bit of control that we never have as an actor and saying, 'I like me, I like this, I select me, and I'm going to give this a try because I believe in it.' And that's truly life changing".

See also RachelleRak.com

Update on 4/28 at 10.30AM Rachelle Rak on David Letterman's show tonight and then a live Hell's Kitchen area concert at Bartini... Here's an update from Facebook: Tune in to Letterman tonight Thursday April 28th. One of Catch Me's stars Norbert Leo Butz will be doing his thing and Rachelle and cast members will be backing him up in "Don't Break the Rules. Then, if you want to see a sexy, fun and somewhat wild show come to BARTINI ON 10th ave. STARTS at 11:00p-ish.