Monday Vacation Stuff

"Hurry! Hurry!" That's what I keep yelling at my crappy Time-Warner Roadrunner Internet connection...! It goes in miserable waves lately... But the latest tests on TestMy.Net are a measly 705 Kbps for Download. Upload is barely detectable at 70 Kbps. Am also yelling for the Repair Guy to get here.... "Hurry Hurry"!

There a zillion little things I was psyched to do in the chore department today... From updating my cel phone plan, checking my credit report for errors or fraud, and adding a few events and contacts to my Google calendar and address book... All these things need to be done online of course... And not worth doing at this rate of speed...

So, instead, I decided to soak and scrub a bevy of plastic toys that a neighbor was throwing out... Will clean em up and spread 'em around to my charges... But I'm soaking and cleaning em first...

There was a Wonder Woman, Speed Racer and a Superman in the batch... Sheesh. I dunno if I'll be able to part with those, though... LOL (I know what Wonder Man would say)

Found a new good Ophthalmologist today... My eyes are in great shape... No signs of cataract or glaucoma or retinal, macula, or optic nerve trouble... Opthamologists like that that I have a background in eyeballs... They love an opportunity to talk shop. Meanwhile my eye glasses still serve me well with 20/20 plus vision. Nice.

Next step in that process... Find some new frames... That'll move farther up the list once this damned cable guy gets here...

Passover starts at sundown. Quinoa or no quinoa, I wish all my Jewish friends a Happy Passover!!