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Here's my friend Brian Blackburn all published and everything in DesignNJ

"If you own a painting by Pablo Picasso, you build a room around it. If you own an entire blue-chip art collection, you build a house around it... The world-class collection includes not only a Picasso canvas but paintings and sculptures by the likes of Alexander Calder, Damien Hirst, Gerhard Richter and Roy Lichtenstein, among others...

Brian Blackburn, of David Estreich Architects, a full-service architecture and interior design firm based in New York City, a member of the American Institute of Architects, in collaboration with Thomas C. Burger, a member of the American Society of Interior Designers. The home was renovated and enlarged with a more-than-passing nod to the style of Frank Lloyd Wright. The new footprint “broke the box” with a kitchen wing and a bedroom wing to form what David Estreich calls a broken pinwheel. “The idea was to give the home a low-key face in the front and a courtyard in the back for entertaining,” he says, “and also to meld the residence into its landscape in a very Wrightian way...”

"The 10,000-square-foot home has five bedrooms and seven bathrooms...."