Comment on Comments

I lifted the word verification feature on comments and left on the comment moderation feature.... You should see ALL the spam that I'm getting. It's actually fun to see this crap.

Sometimes couched in grand word combinations that make no sense... Sometimes, a perfectly sterile looking remark but the person's name is actually a link to an advert... Foreign language ones. Some are sexy. Some not so much.

I gotta commend Blogger though, as they have caught them ALL and placed them in the Spam folder where I can easily glance and delete them...

I know from a reader's perspective that when I go to comment on friend's blogs, the word verification feature is tedious and frustrating...

And for those have both security features intact, I say... What are you afraid of?? Comment Verification alone is perfectly fine...

Blogger even reminds you from the dashboard that you have comments waiting to approve or deny...

I like it because I can be more aware of the reader's comments and also to see if it's a Blogger buddy it can remind me to swing by their place and look around and comment, too...

Now there are all those non-Blogger comment clients... And some work better than others... One friend uses one that I particularly despise... As it never recognizes me, and requires several stages of pull-down menus and passwords before I can log in to comment. He knows who he is... And he knows I do stop by his fishbowl and read much more than I actually comment...

And then there's a friend and blog reader who looked at this header and was horrified that it referred to something else. My comment to him?: Relaaaaaax...