Intention: The High Orders for 2011

Be authentic. Be vulnerable. Be empowered. Do the next right thing. Honor feelings. Trust intuition.  Don't complain. Speak less and listen more. Acceptance is the answer.

Meditate daily. Do A Course in Miracles workbook daily. Improve conscious contact with a power great than self. Enjoy more nature.

Take charge of financials. Save more. More meals at home. Do a will. Pay down the mortgage.

Socialize more. Meet new people. Be more open. Slow down. Seek out two new cultural events per month. Embrace opportunities to experience something new. Make others smile. Put in time every day for finding love. 

Lighten the load. Organize. Master Evernote. Become more paperless. Declutter more. Lose the overloaded shoulder bag.

Improve health. Opthamologist checkup. Tackle cholesterol. Sweat more. Eat vegetarian at least two days a week. Sleep smarter. Do the health proxy. Eat only for vitality. Seek balance.

Enjoy more of the smaller moments instead of focusing only on the finish line... Living a day at a time begins by living a moment at a time.
