I Am Still Fierce

Happy Saturday...

I don't buy any of this Age of Aquarius so now your Zodiac sign has shifted bullcrap... I am such a Cancer with a Libra Rising and a triple Scorpio. I am fierce... (And so is Mr. Gavin who keeps asking me: "We are still Cancers, right!?" You betcha!)

On the Bose Wave: Uakti by Philip Glass...

Midwinter TV favorites this year?: Batman reruns on The Hub. Oddities on Science Channel, Petkeeping with Marc Marrone on Hallmark channel, Rachel Maddow Show and The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. and the DVR is set for the Dreamgirls movie musical tonight on ABC at 8pm.

Snow, Snow Snow.... More expected this week. Ok Dokey with me. Snow days are always good days... They force everyone to slow down... (You can quote me).

A bit of paint has chipped off the CAPS key on my Motorola Cliq. This really bothers me. Guess I gotta do all the red tape of an exchange... Coincidentally on the same day the paint flaked off, I got an email from Motorola to upgrade to a Cliq 2... I followed the link which clearly informed that I could have it for $99 with a coupla rebates and a new two year commitment blah blah... Then it asked me to log in. Once logged in... The deal wasn't so good. T-Mobile really knows how to continually frustrate and piss off their once loyal customers.

Public Service Announcement: Blood banks are low. All the snow has kept people from donating. Go donate. Unless you are gay, then they don't want your blood. They won't take your blood. Doesn't matter if you are HIV negative, and/or your blood passes all the other safety/health screens... They don't want your blood! So if you're straight... Please go donate soon... They really do need blood.

I just boiled my toothbrushes...