F-F-Frigid S-S-Saturday

Yesterday was snowy and tepid by late afternoon. Today is bone chillingly frigid. And why not? I love it...

Was to a local Greek diner, read and recycled the weekend New York Times, sorted the mail, and hit the grocery store by 8am on this Saturday AM... Funny how I instinctively awaken at the stroke of 6am, even without the alarm set...

Glad to see that the Park Life gallery is putting up a fight against Jeff Koons attempt to hijack the balloon dog as a personal copyright... If anyone should own it, I think it belongs to Chuckles the Clown... So Koons can start writing his checks to the widow Lady Donothing at once...

Time for collecting and gathering tax documents and putting them in a separate envelope for the tax guy. A seasonal ritual, right on schedule.

So Keith Olbermann quit Countdown and MSNBC last night? I can't say I'm surprised, really. He's been pissed for a while. Or maybe Olbermann was fired? No surprise either as MSNBC was pissed for a while.

But really?? Lawrence O'Donnell's dry and less "in your face" style on The Last Word is prolly better for these times anyway. And I won't miss that horrible sophomoric Oddball segment where Keith always delighted in showing footage of confused deer in grocery stores, or other poor confused wildlife... I fast forwarded through it regularly... And I never did share his weekly affection for James Thurber.... But ahhhh, those Special Comments of Keith's. They were oft brilliant tidbits of rhetorical genius. His view and voice will be missed. Although I'm confident he will soon find a new outlet... I'll keep an eye on his Twitter page...

Had a visitor last night that ooooo-ed and ahhhh-ed at my two computer screen set-up on my desktop... I can't imagine why everyone doesn't have this... I really don't... It makes everything from monitoring social networking to editing tasks and other publishing tasks a snap!

Almost time to call the parents for the regularly scheduled (at least) weekly chat. I thank God daily for their continued good health and independence...

Stay warm...