Another Chilly Sunday in Hell's Kitchen, USA

Went to a party last night... An annual after-holiday tradition... Lots of great conversation. Lots of old friends from my TV and theater days (or daze, LOL). A few new celebs (and their kin) were in attendance... Thoughts and prayers for TOO many ol' friends who shared privately their dreary health news...

As an ex-high-school Facebook friend candidly pointed out in a private message (after I informed her that one of our youngest High School gang had recently passed of a heart attack)... "We're at that age now"...

New York Times had a great article on a professional personal organizer woman... At $150 an hour, I'll save the money. Still, the idea of a tough love non-sentimental coach helping to make de-cluttering decisions and to hold the garbage bags open isn't an altogether bad idea...

Fun article in today's NYTimes on someone with one of those Universal Life Church ministry licenses and that they now find themselves in the cottage industry of officiating at weddings... I have a friend with one of those certificates and he was ordered by his lesbian bosses to officiate at their own wedding... Not even asking if he wanted to or not... Of course, he wanted to... But it would've been nice if it weren't so taken for granted... I wouldn't tell anyone if I had such a license... Which I don't. Not yet, anyway...

But I do relate to this guy... I LOVE the cold... But I don't know if running shirtless on the boardwalk and swimming everyday year round is the stress reducer I would choose... But I DO see the point: