New Screen Prints - Swirly Skulls

Christmas is just around the corner and you still can’t think what to get Great Aunty Flow. Well fear not – I have just the solution. How about one of my brand new Swirly Skull prints? Guaranteed to cheer up any stuffy old living room and compliment the bewilderingly pervasive ceramic cat collection.

If the image looks strangely familiar then you might remember the postcard-sized single skull versions that I made and handed out free to the folks queuing for last year’s RCA Secret show. I have been promising to bring out this larger, 9 skull version for over a year now but due to a prolonged bought of slackness, I’ve only just got round to it – just in time for Christmas. What a coincidence!

These new hand-pulled, screen prints are in a limited edition of 50 - a much smaller edition than my Spidey Pods prints (scroll down the page for details), and each print is signed, titled, dated and editioned. I’m currently in the process of cropping the prints down from the 70 x 50 cm paper, on which they were printed, to 60 x 45 cm as this size works best with the image. However, I may keep a couple back, un-cropped, just in case anyone would like to frame them in a larger frame with a wide mount. I know that Ikea do a nice 70 x 50 cm plain black or white wood frame, with a mount, for about £20 but I’ve not tried a print in one of these frames yet so can’t comment on how they look.

As they’ve only just been printed, they don’t yet appear for sale in any galleries, shops or other sites. And as is the case with my Spidey Pods prints, I am offering these prints on my blog first, at a commission-free price. They are £60 each (30-50% less than in shops and galleries). So if you fancy buying one just drop me a line at and we can work out how to get one to you.

However, if you like your screen prints with a bit more colour then hang on till the end of the week when I will be bringing out a two colour, limited edition (probably in an edition of 45 to 50 prints) version. This set will also feature the 9 black Swirly Skulls but printed on a dripping block of baby pink. As the block of pink colour extends beyond the boarder of the skulls, the image holds it own on a larger sheet of paper so will be printed on 70 x 50 cm sheets.

So, as they said on something probably quite corny – ‘Watch this space’.