V&A Museum - Friday Late View

Well, the cut-outs seemed to go down very well at the museum's Friday Late View, even if one little girl did tell me that the St. George one needed a bit more colouring-in. Unfortunately she'd left her crayons at home and I needed a beer, so we were forced to leave it as it was. But, all four of the cut-outs were getting a lot of use and a lot of laughs so we let that one slide.

All in all it was a very busy day for me. Prior the setting up and taking down the cut-outs at the end of the night, I had to set up some of my artwork for an Art Investment Conference at the London Business School. I also met up with a couple of fantastic young artists who are setting up an artist residence program in Poland. Fingers crossed that I'll be involved in that one - it sounds incredible.

To see images from previous V and A Friday Late Views you can check out their flickr account at -