RCA 'Not So' Secret

RCA Secret 2008 (No 2), originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

It's that time of year again - where the Royal College of Art puts on it's annual 'RCA Secret' show - an exhibition of thousands of postcard sized artworks that are exhibited anonymously and sold to raise money to help support it's students. Last year Paula Rego, Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst were among the artists who made original postcard-sized art for this unique exhibition.

This is one of four postcard pieces that I made for this year's RCA Secret. Yes... I know it's meant to be a secret, but for anyone who's seen this blog or my Spidey Pods prints before, it's not going to be too hard to guess which ones are mine.

The Exhibition opened at the Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU on Friday 14th November and runs till Friday 21st November 11-6pm, with a late opening on Thursday 20th November until 8pm. Free admission.
The postcards are available for viewing on their website from Friday 14th November.
The Sale will be on Saturday 22nd November from 8am.

To purchase a piece from the show you must Register in advance of the Sale, which you can do by filling out a Registration Form.
First-Fifty Raffle tickets for a chance to win a place at the front of the Sale queue will be on sale at the Exhibition, until one hour before the close of the exhibition on each open day.

Price per postcard: £40. Postcards will only be available to purchase in person at the Sale. If you would like to make a purchase, it is recommended that you prepare a list of cards in advance, as the exhibition will not be open for viewing on the morning of the Sale.