What You Own Will Finally Own You (work in progress)

After meeting Luigi Vernieri, Editor and Art Director of FEFE magazine, at an exhibition of work by street artists in Shoreditch, I was invited to be one of the 25 artists to feature in and create a new piece for the next issue of the magazine.
This pencil drawing is the initial stage of the painting that I’m now working on.
The brief for each artist is to realize the theme of the magazine by interpreting a line of dialogue, selected from a movie. The phrase for this coming issue is ‘ WHAT YOU OWN WILL FINALLY OWN YOU’, which is a line that succinctly sums up one of the main issues that I try to deal with in much of my sculptural work.
Oddly enough, I noticed this same line crop up in the book, ‘Bonfire Of The Brands’, written by a friend, Neil Boorman. Because a lot of my work centres on the premise that one of the main things in life that tie us down is our addiction to things (that we are possessed by our possessions) I told him about my interest in the phrase and asked him where it came from. I shouldn’t really have had to ask as it comes from ‘Fight Club’, one of my favourite films.

“FEFE is an experimental Italian project, projected towards innovation and the search for new ideas in the world of communication and visual arts.The magazine is distributed in Europe, Asia, America and Australia.The acronym FEFE (Free Entry Free Exit) represents a group of individuals who have created an international magazine with the objective to reunite creators of visual arts invited to participate in its initiative.In each issue we invite 25 artists, a child and a writer.”