John Malkovich - On-Line Script Project

Sony - J Malkovich Letter, originally uploaded by Wayne Chisnall.

Ok – this isn’t, strictly speaking, artwork but I thought I’d include it in my blog anyway. One, because there was a certain amount of creativity involved and two, because I thought that it was fun.
Basically, I entered an on-line script writing competition run by Sony. In the competition entrants got to submit a 500 word section of script that had to follow on from a piece written by John Malkovich. Then it would get whittled down to five scripts, John would choose the winner and then the process would start over again.
Anyway – John chose my script, ‘Doppelganger’, as the winner of the first round and this is what he said about it:

“ … I’m going to go with the “Doppelganger” script. It’s clever, inventive, and somehow both surprising and inevitable. Very neatly done all in all.”

John Malkovich
Jan 4th, 2008